Film Length:  122 minutes  ~  In Polish with English subtitles

►Saturday, 12/1/2018 –  6 pm

DOORS OPEN:  5 pm  – Ages  12+

100 Anniversary of Poland’s Independence, 12-1-2018, Chicago Event, Copernicus Center, film screening, imprezy w chicago, Miasto 44, Polish Film Festival, Polish Movie, polskie wydarzenia w chicago, Warsaw 44

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WARSAW 44 / MIASTO 44 is an award winning film based on true events which depict the historic Warsaw uprising of 1944 in Poland.  

100 Anniversary of Poland’s Independence, 12-1-2018, Chicago Event, Copernicus Center, film screening, imprezy w chicago, Miasto 44, Polish Film Festival, Polish Movie, polskie wydarzenia w chicago, Warsaw 44ENGLISH:  This story takes place in Nazi occupied Warsaw in 1944.  Young Poles reach adulthood under brutal occupation, but remain hungry for life, passionate and impatient. They live as if every day were their last, not because they’re reckless, but because when death lurks around every corner, it’s the only way to live.

PO POLSKU: 1944, okupowana Warszawa. Opowieść o młodych Polakach, którym przyszło wchodzić w dorosłość w okrutnych realiach okupacji. Mimo to są pełni życia, namiętni, niecierpliwi. Żyją tak, jakby każdy dzień miał okazać się tym ostatnim. Nie wynika to jednak z nadmiernej brawury czy młodzieńczej lekkomyślności – taka postawa jest naturalna, kiedy śmierć grozi na każdym kroku.

Film Length:  122 minutes  ~  In Polish with English subtitles

Cast:  Józef Pawłowski (Stefan Zawadzki), Zofia Wichłacz (Alicja “Ladybug”), Anna Próchniak (Kama), Antoni Królikowski (Władek “Beksa”), Maurycy Popiel (“Highlander”), Filip Gurłacz (“Rogal”), Michał Mikołajczak, (Aleksander), Karolina Staniec (Beata), Jaśmina Polak (Ewa)

About the Film’s Director

JAN KOMASA  –  Director and screenwriter. Born in 1981 in Poznań. Graduated from the Cardinal Wyszyński School of University of Warsaw with a degree in philosophy from the Polish National Film School in Łódź with a degree in Directting. His student film “Nice to See You” got him attention when hit was awarded in the Cinefoundation competition in Cannes (2004). His next step came in 2005 when he directed an adaptation of the novella “Warsaw, Ode of Joy” (Warszawa, oda do radości), a short movie that win a number of awards at film festivals in Gdynia, Koszalin, and Houston. His first feature film “The Suicide Room” (Sala samobójców) received many prestige awards in Poland and abroad.


2019 Corpus Christi (Boże Ciało) – in production
2017 Ultraviolet – TV series
2014-15 Blood from Blood 2 (Krew z krwi 2) – TV series
2014 Warsaw 44 (Miasto 44)
2014 Warsaw Uprising (Powstanie Warszawskie)
2011 The Suicide Room (Sala samobójców)
2006 Warsaw [in] Ode of Joy (Warszawa [w] Oda do radości)

Polish Film Festival in America and The Copernicus Foundation invite you for the screening of this masterpiece of Polish cinema MIASTO 44 / WARSAW 44. The program is organized in collaboration with the Polish Filmmakers Association and co-financed by Niepodlegla, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Polish Film Institute, Adam Mickiewicz Institute of Culture, and Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

Please join us on Saturday, December 1st at 6 pm for this SPECIAL FILM SCREENING on this anniversary year of Poland’s independence. 2018 marks the 100 anniversary of Poland regaining its independence. Following the First World War and after spending 123 years divided amongst the three neighboring powers, Poland regained its sovereignty on 11 November 1918.


  • The Society for Arts
  • Copernicus Foundation – Website  –  Facebook
  • Polish Filmmakers Association – Website –  Facebook
  • Niepodlegla
  • Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
  • Polish Film Institute
  • Adam Mickiewicz Institute of Culture
  • Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

Contact Info:  The Copernicus Foundation, 773-313-3893[email protected]

Public Service Announcement  PAA, Polish American Association, Career help by the PAA
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