Copernicus Center HappeningsContentment under the STARS
La Cotorrisa
La Cotorrisa USA Tour
► DATE: Friday, March 24, 2023 • TIME: 8.30 pm ends 11.50 pm
► Copernicus Center Doors Open: 7 pm • Theater Doors Open: 7:30 pm • All ages welcome
Tickets: $149, $129, $99, $79, $59
Ticket Sales begin: November 22, 2022
Meet & Greet?: no
Show de comedia La Cotorrisa conducido por Ricardo Perez y Slobotzky, traen en vivo un show basado en anécdotas y vivencias únicas que te harán reír por tres horas.
Ricardo Perez along with Slobotzky, are the comedy powerhouse called “La Cotorrisa.” They are Mexico’s leading podcast duo who often rank first or high on Spotify and Apple Podcast’s charts. Both of their YouTube platforms have millions of followers, plus additional content for memberships only followers.
Links: La Cotorrisa Facebook • La Cotorrisa Instagram
• Ricardo Perez YouTube • Instagram
• Slobotzky YouTube • Instagram
Seitrack US
~ Contact Information: 305.535.8337 • [email protected]
Our Box Office is open two hours before each ticketed event & Monday – Friday 10 am – 2 pm. For Ticket & Box Office inquiries please call 773-205-0044 or email [email protected]
Copernicus Center Event Patrons:
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