Copernicus Center HappeningsContentment under the STARS
Art & Language Festival – Mosaic of Cultures
Art & Language Festival - Mosaic of Cultures
► DATE: Saturday, May 4th, 2024 TIME: 12:00pm – 4:00pm
► Copernicus Center Doors Open: 12:00pm • All ages welcome

History of Art & Language Festival
Art and Language Festival was initiated by Concept Schools Department of Foreign Language in 2008 and had a monolingual and monocultural characteristic that was confined to Turkish language and culture from 2008 to 2012.
Starting from 2013 Spanish language and Hispanic culture and the native language, English were added in the body of the Festival. Besides Turkish, Spanish and English performances (songs, poems, folk dances, instrument playing) by our students, guest performers of different cultures and languages like Polish, Indian, Bosnian, Albanian, Korean, Vietnamese were as well invited from outside of our network to perform at the Festival starting from the same year, 2013.
In order to qualify to perform at the Festival, the participants from our schools need to submit their performance videos, and after a voting period by CS Judges, those who qualified are invited to perform at the Festival day. Spanish teachers are helping their students with Spanish songs, poems and Hispanic folk dances, Turkish teachers are helping with Turkish songs, poems and Turkic folk dances. Music teachers are helping with English songs and musical instruments playing.
Aside from seeing the stage performances, you can see the exhibition of the pieces of art such as pictures, photographs, paintings, handicraft and sculptures at the lobby of the Festival venue. These pieces are the ones created by CS students and awarded at Concept Schools Art Contest, which is a separate event happening before Art and Language Festival.
EVENT ORGANIZER Concept Schools Art & Language Festival
Contact Information: [email protected]
Monday – Friday: 10.00 am – 02.00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Not open on Holidays
For Ticket & Box Office inquiries please call 773-205-0044 or email [email protected]
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