X Jubileuszowa Gala Karnawałowa PaSO
- January 16
- /Copernicus Center
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Trzech Polskich Tenorow
16 Stycznia, 1/16/2016 ~~ 7:30 – 10 pm
All Ages Show
by phone
773 467 9000
Wielka Sława to żart!
Trzech polskich tenorów w X Gali Karnawałowa PaSO!
TRE VOCI – Wojciech Sokolnicki, Miłosz Gałaj, Mikołaj Adamczak, to artyści nowej generacji: trzy indywidualności, trzy zróżnicowane, wspaniałe głosy tenorowe. Młodzi i utalentowani, obdarzeni charyzmą, pasją śpiewu i poczuciem humoru – w swych koncertach łączą swobodnie różne gatunki muzyki: od opery przez operetkę i musical do słynnych tematów filmowych i przebojów muzyki POP. Ich niepowtarzalne, doskonale zgrane głosy zachwycają siłą ekspresji i kunsztem wokalnym, wzruszają i bawią do łez.
Obok trzech polskich tenorów wystąpią zawsze gorąco oklaskiwane soprany: Mirosława Sojka Topór, Olga Bojovic i Anna Siwiec-Sitkowska oraz tancerze, chór i Paderewski Symphony Orchestra pod batutą Wojciecha Niewrzoła.
W ciągu 10 lat koncerty karnawałowe PaSO obejrzalo blisko 20 tysięcy widzów!
Od serii koncertów wiedeńskich m.in. “Królowie walca” i “Cesarski walc” – po “Walce świata”, egzotyczne noce: “Noc w Wenecji” i “Hiszpańską Noc” – wystąpiło w nich ponad 1000 artystów: śpiewaków, aktorów, chórzystów, muzyków, tancerzy, solistów baletu klasycznego – z Polski i USA, którzy zaprezentowali publiczności najwspanialsze utwory od muzyki klasycznej i opery po przeboje filmu, musicalu i estrady!
Zapraszamy na X Jubileuszowy wieczór porywającej muzyki, radosnego tańca, wspaniałego śpiewu – wzruszeń i doskonałej zabawy!
Piękna scenografia, barwne kostiumy, efekty specjalne!
Scenariusz i prowadzenie: Barbara Bilszta
X Gala Karnawałowa PaSO – NAZWISKA ARTYSTÓW:
Paderewski Symphony Orchestra & Chorus +++ Wojciech Sokolnicki +++ Miłosz Gałaj +++ Mikołaj Adamczak +++ Zespół Tańca WICI soloists
“JOIN” the Facebook Event HERE
About Paderewski Symphony Orchestra (PASO)
Website: www.pasochicago.org
The Polish-American Symphony Orchestra (PASO) debuted at the auditorium of the Washington Public Library in October 1997 with a concert featuring Polish and American music (Moniuszko, Copland) and was received with great enthusiasm by a multi-ethnic public.
In 1999 the orchestra was named after one of the greatest artists who served both the Polish and American nations: Ignacy Jan Paderewski – a pianist, composer, diplomat, and the first Prime Minister of a reborn Poland. Thanks to the support of the Polish-American and American communities, the organization has grown from a small chamber ensemble to a large cultural organization with permanent staff, a strong team of volunteers, its own Choir and an Academy of Music for children and youth. PaSO has organized events involving over 300 artists, and performances in Chicago’s most illustrious concert halls – including the Orchestra Hall at Symphony Center, the Rosemont Theatre, Harris Theatre and Millennium Park. The audience it reaches has grown from barely 400 in 1996, to over 14,000 in its record 2009-2010 season. During these years the orchestra has performed 210 symphony and chamber music concerts for over 240,000 listeners. Its average season consists of 6 programs featuring different kinds of music: from chamber to big symphony orchestra and opera, from early to contemporary pieces, including Polish, American and World music. In 2010 PaSO become the Orchestra in residence at the Copernicus Center. Thanks to its partnership with the Copernicus Foundation, PaSO presented a number of complex, multimedia projects (e.o. Pan Tadeusz, Carnival in Venice, Dancing Chopin) and developed new forms: Theatre of Song, Family Festival “A Sunday in the World of Art”. As part of its own concert season Paderewski Symphony Orchestra participate in many community events: “The Magic of Christmas” Festival, TOP Festival, Majόwka and others.
About WICI
Website: Zespół Pieśni i Tańca WICI
The Wici Song and Dance Theater was organized in 1972 in Chicago. Its mission has been to promote Polish culture in both the Polish and American communities through song, dance, and music. Wici has carried the traditions of their ancestors through with their authentic costumes and original choreography.
In 1983, Wici was established as an Illinois charitable nonprofit corporation. All of the members of the company perform without any compensation or monetary reward. Thanks to the efforts of their members and their sincere love of the Polish and American culture, the group has maintained an artistic standard that many professional troupes would envy.
PRODUCENT: Paderewski Symphony Orchestra
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