Możliwości pracy
Możliwości pracy
Career Opportunities in Manufacturing – Free Seminar
November 22, 2016 → 6 to 8 PM ← Doors Open: 5.30 PM
Poradnia Zawodowa Zrzeszenia Amerykańsko Polskiego pragnie zaprosić wszystkich zainteresowanych na bezpłatne spotkanie informacyjne na temat:Możliwości pracy fabrycznej Prezentacji dokonają przedstawiciele szkól, przygotowujących do pracy w roli operatorów, ustawiaczy i programistów maszyn CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) oraz inspektorów kontroli jakości i koordynatorów procesu produkcji. Podczas spotkania będzie można uzyskać informacje na temat:
- Programów oferowanych przez szkoły
- Zasad przyjęcia do szkół
- Perspektyw rynku pracy
Spotkanie odbędzie się we wtorek, 22 listopada, 2016 o godzinie 18:00 w Centrum Kopernikowskim przy 5216 W. Lawrence. Po więcej informacji na temat spotkania można dzwonić pod numer telefonu 773 282 1122 wew. 414.
The Career Center of the Polish American Association invites you to attend a free informational session on: Career opportunities in Manufacturing. The presentation will be conducted by representatives from schools offering programs like Computerized Numeric Control (CNC) machine set-up and operator, CNC machine programmer, QC Inspector, Tool and Die machinist. They will focus on:
- Course Offerings
- School admissions
- Labor market outlook
Spotkanie sponsorowane jest przez the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership oraz przez Fundację Kopernikowską. Equal opportunity Employer/Program.
This session is sponsored by the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, Equal opportunity Employer/Program, and by the Copernicus Foundation.
“JOIN” the Facebook Event HERE
Founded in 1922, the Polish American Association (PAA) is the nation’s only human services organization providing a comprehensive range of bilingual and bicultural services to the Polish community and others in need.
Mission: The mission of the Polish American Association, a human service agency, is to serve the diverse needs of the Polish community in the Chicago metro area by providing resources for changing lives, with emphasis on assisting immigrants
Programs & Services: Through its 28 programs and services PAA is providing clients with the resources for changing their lives and enhancing their ability to become contributing members of our community.
Education and Employment Services:
- English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), and citizenship classes
- vocational training for Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) and Physical Rehabilitation Aid (PRA) classes
- office skills vocational training
- job development and placement
- career counseling
- computer literacy classes
- computer lab – resource rooms
The school is approved by the Division of Private Business and Vocational Schools of the Illinois Board of Higher Education (
Public Service Announcement