
Friends of Copernicus

Copernicus Foundation and Center would not be where it is today if not for the continuing support through the years of many local and international businesses. Help us show our gratitude by visiting and supporting the “Friends of Copernicus” businesses.

Join Friends of Copernicus

Visit our Friends’ Websites by Clicking on their Logo

Polish & Slavic Credit Union Hoyne Savings BankEuro Liquor
Amita HealthAetna HealthNorthshore University Health System
Industrial Maintenance Welding & Machining CoLittle Stars T-Mobile
Polish Museum of AmericaChicago SocietyYou Can Be My Angel
Polish Highlanders Alliance of America - ZPPAAdvocates SocietyIngressus
Pulse by PaceLegion of Young Polish Women103.1 FM Radio
Monitor Local News ChicagoDziennik Zwiazkowy Jefferson Park Chamber of Commerce
Chicago WiakPolskie RadioChicago Metal Supply
Lot AirlinesKing Forman Insurance Agency Evolve Financial
Polish American AssociationPACBAPolish American Chamber of Commerce
Nadig NewspapersCatholic LeaguePaSO - Paderewski Symphony Orchestra

Become a Friend of Copernicus

The Copernicus Foundation encourages our community businesses to support our mission. . To learn how, please email our Executive Director at Director@CopernicusCenter.org.

Your generous support will be acknowledged on our Facebook and Twitter platforms.

For Taste of Polonia Festival Sponsorship opportunities, click here.

The Copernicus Center is a major civic, cultural, educational, recreational and entertainment resource serving the metropolitan Chicago area. The Center is supported by the Copernicus Foundation, which was chartered as a not-for-profit organization in July 1971.  As a charitable organization, 501(c)3, the Foundation relies on donations and the support of community members and businesses.  Learn more about the Copernicus Foundation at this link.

Underwritten Events: To see a PARTIAL list of the Community and Cultural events the Foundation has underwritten, please visit this link.  [ NOTE: Listing includes ONLY public events promoted on this website. The Foundation also underwrites meetings, seminars, and gatherings closed to the general public.]

Organizations We Support: The Copernicus Foundation supports numerous non-profit community and cultural organizations.  To see a list of organizations receiving annual support, please see this link.

The Copernicus Foundation underwriting for community, cultural, and charitable causes has exceeded $400,000 annually!

Join Friends of Copernicus