APCC 40 Years of Giving
APCC 40 Years of Giving
6/22/2016 → 6 to 8:30 pm
In the Annex → Doors Open: 6 pm
AGE: Cocktail party setting. Parents are welcome to bring their kids.
40 Years of Giving will celebrate APCC’s four decades of service in Albany Park and the surroundings communities. We will honor the students, staff, and supporters that have stood the tests of time with us. This fundraiser and awards ceremony helps raise the necessary funds to sustain operations for children and families in our programs.
We’ll have live music, silent auction, locally catered food, and an awards ceremony you will not want to miss!
About APCC
The Albany Park Community Center (APCC) began providing services to the community in 1975. APCC started as a child care organization with one department, and has grown into a multi-service organization with over 20 program departments serving over 8600 people per year. Departments are grouped into three major program divisions: Children’s Programs, Youth Programs, and Adult and Community Programs.
APCC primarily serves the neighborhood of Albany Park, whose zip code 60625 and is one of the most ethnically diverse in the nation. (Foster Avenue on the north, Montrose Avenue on the south, Elston Avenue on the southwest, and the North Branch of the Chicago River on the east).
The Albany Park Community Center educates and supports members of the community as they determine their own path of growth and development, by providing diverse programs and services for individuals, families, groups and businesses.
APCC website: http://www.apccchgo.org/ ~ Facebook Link
Event Sponsors & links:
~ New World Vanlines ~ PPC 1904
~ Swedish Covenant ~ Alper Services
For Additional Information Please Call: (773) 583-5111
“JOIN” the Facebook Event HERE
Public Service Announcement