TVDL Driver License
TVDL Driver License Seminar
. . . Spotkanie otwarte dotyczace Tymczasowego Prawa Jazdy TVDL
7 pm
This information seminar will be in Polish
W trakcie spotkania w jezyku polskim przedstawiciele Biura Sekretarza Stanu poinformuja o zasadach programu, wymaganych dokumentach, warunkach jakie nalezy spelnic, oraz o procesie egzaminacyjnym.
INFORMACJE w języku polskim

TVDL Seminar 12-10
New Temporary Visitor Driver’s License (TVDL) Seminar
TVDL applicants may schedule an appointment by calling 855-236-1155 or visiting Advance appointments are required at all designated facilities; walk-ins will not be served.
In December, the first phase of the rollout begins at four locations that will serve scheduled appointments. As of December 3, the TVDL locations are Chicago West, 5301 W. Lexington Ave. and Springfield, 2701 S. Dirksen Pkwy. Starting on December 10 locations at Chicago North, 5401 N. Elston Ave. and Bloomington, 1510 W. Market St. will be open. In January 2014, the second phase of the TVDL rollout will be available for scheduled appointments at 21 additional designated facilities statewide. For a complete list of locations, visit
Public Act 97-1157, signed into law by Governor Quinn earlier this year, established a TVDL for undocumented individuals. The law authorized the Secretary of State’s office to administer the program and provided a minimum 10-month delayed effective date for implementation. “As soon as the General Assembly passed and the governor signed this legislation into law, my office began planning to implement the program in a way that improves road safety, highlights customer service and underscores the importance of license integrity and security,” White said. “Through driver license testing, verification of identity, and maintenance of accurate motorist records, this law will improve road safety and guarantee that more drivers will purchase and maintain auto insurance.” White highlighted the differences between a standard driver’s license and a TVDL. While the standard driver’s license has a red border on top and may be used for driving and identification purposes, the TVDL has a purple border on top and the card is marked: “Not valid for identification.” Without auto insurance, the TVDL is invalid.
Applicants must follow specific guidelines for obtaining a TVDL, which include:
• Scheduling an appointment with the Secretary of State Driver Services facility online at or by calling 855-236-1155;
• Presenting various documents providing:
o valid passport from the applicant’s native country or a Consular Identification Card from an approved country.
o proof of name,
o written signature,
o date of birth,
o current address and
o 12 months of consecutive residency in Illinois,
• Purchase auto insurance upon receiving TVDL.
A photo of the applicant will be taken and then processed through the state’s facial recognition database. After the documents have been verified for authenticity, applicants will receive their TVDL through U.S. mail at a later date.
INFORMACJE w języku polskim – tutaj
Venue: Copernicus Center
Address: 5216 W Lawrence Ave, Chicago, IL 60630
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