Sofia Niño de Rivera – Chicago
Sofia Niño de Rivera – “No Es Ninguno De Los De NETFLIX”
► November 21, 2018 – 9:00 PM – 10:30 PM – Add to Calendar
DOORS OPEN: 8:00 PM – All Ages Welcome
Tickets: $40 to $65
Sofía Niño de Rivera is one of the most famous Latin American comedians, a pioneer in the Stand Up Comedy genre in Mexico. She started this career eight years ago when she decided to quit advertising, taking an important turn in her life. Her first step was to take a Clown workshop at the Shakespeare Forum in Mexico City, and later a workshop at the American Comedy Institute in New York City, to devote herself to what she loves most in life: see reality through humor.
She recently collaborated with Saskia Niño de Rivera on the Reinsert Project, a non-profit organization that aims to improve the conditions of women living in Mexican prisons by offering a live comedy workshop for the Santa Martha Acatitla inmates. The purpose of this project was to use humor as a therapeutic tool to channel emotions. This story will be captured in a documentary to be released in 2019.
In June 2016 Netflix premiered “Exposed”, the first Spanish-language comedy special featuring a Mexican woman. Sofía ’s second special for the same platform, Dz Natural Selection, premiered in March 2018 and took her on tour all over the Mexican Republic. The tour ended with two successful sold out dates.
Sofia Niño de Rivera Links: Instagram – Facebook – Twitter .
Event Producer & links:
Reventon Promotions ~ Website ~ Facebook
~ Informes: 847.877.3915
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