
Scholarships by the Copernicus Foundation

2023 Scholarships Applications Closed

Thank you for your interest. We are no longer accepting applications for 2023.

This opportunity is funded by the Copernicus Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.Scholarships, scholarship, polish, polish culture, Copernicus Foundation, academic scholarships, need scholarships, polish scholarships, chicago, performing arts scholarships

The Copernicus Foundation is proud to provide scholarships to college, university, or trade school students of Polish descent. Fulfilling its mission of supporting Polish Culture and Chicago’s Polish community we invite students to submit applications via the forms below.

Scholarships will be awarded based upon scholastic achievement in the areas of:

  • Performing Arts
  • Cultural education
  • Business
  • Sciences
  • Professional Certificate or Degree

For Dedication to Community, Academics and Charity