Copernicus Center HappeningsContentment under the STARS
NEXT – Talks for the Future Generation
- October 30
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NEXT – Talks for the Future Generation
► DATE: Saturday, October 30, 2021 • TIME: 10:30 am – 1:30 pm
NEXT – Talks for the Future Generation is a conference for students of Polish language schools In Chicago area.
8 speakers – successful scientists, lawyers, artists, doctors, professionals and business owners – who share Polish ancestry will share their experiences and life stories with the audience of few hundred students of Polish language schools.
The main purpose of NEXT is to motivate young Polish Americans to aim higher and help them accomplish their goals.
NEXT – Talks for the Future Generation is an organized by DZIENNIK ZWIĄZKOWY – Polish Daily News and Polish American Youth Council.
NEXT Meet & Greet in the Lobby: 12:30 PM
After the conference is over, the speakers and VIP guests will be invited for a small networking meeting. Light refreshments will be served.
Event Organizers:
Dziennik Związkowy – Website
Polish American Youth Council – Facebook
Contact Info for PUBLIC (phone & email): [email protected]
Event Sponsors & Underwriters:
UNDERWRITER: Copernicus Foundation
PATRONS: Zrzeszenie Nauczycieli Polskich w Ameryce, Konsulat Generalny RP w Chicago, Loyola University – Program Studiów Polskich, Copernicus Foundation.
Copernicus Center Event Patrons:
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