
Copernicus Center HappeningsContentment under the STARS

Los Adolescentes

Los Adolescentes

► DATE:  Friday, April 25th, 2025  TIME:  08:30 p.m.

►  Copernicus Center Doors Open:  7:00 p.m.  •  Theater Doors Open:  7:30 p.m.  •  All ages welcome

Tickets: $29 – $69

Prepárate para una noche inolvidable llena de ritmos vibrantes y melodías románticas con Los Adolescentes Orquesta!

Reconocidos por su estilo único que combina la salsa romántica con ritmos tropicales, Los Adolescentes han creado éxitos inolvidables como “Anhelo,” “Persona Ideal,” y “Hoy Aprendí.” Su música trasciende fronteras, conectando corazones alrededor del mundo con letras profundas y ritmos irresistibles. Con raíces en las ricas tradiciones musicales del Caribe, sus presentaciones en vivo garantizan una experiencia llena de alegría y movimiento.

La velada incluirá sus clásicos atemporales y nuevas versiones de sus canciones más queridas. Con una banda completa que destaca por su vibrante sección de metales y armonías envolventes, el espectáculo te transportará al corazón de la escena salsera de Venezuela. Es una oportunidad única para disfrutar del talento y el carisma que los han llevado a recibir premios como “Orquesta Revelación” y ocupar los primeros lugares en las listas de música latina.

Ya seas un fanático de toda la vida o estés descubriendo su música, Los Adolescentes Orquesta te ofrecerán una noche llena de pasión, ritmo y una energía contagiosa. ¡No te pierdas este evento espectacular!

EVENT ORGANIZER Reventon Promotions
Enrique Medrano

Contact Information: 847-877-3915

Directions - Parking for Copernicus Center


Monday – Friday: 10.00 am – 02.00 pm

Saturday & Sunday 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Not open on Holidays 

For Ticket & Box Office inquiries please call 773-205-0044 or email boxoffice@copernicuscenter.org

Copernicus Center Event Patrons:
“An inherent risk of exposure to COVID exists in any place where people gather. COVID is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. You assume all risks, hazards, and dangers arising from or relating in any way to the risk of contracting COVID or any other communicable disease or illness, or a virus, bacteria, or other pathogen capable of causing a communicable disease or illness, while attending the event or otherwise utilizing Copernicus Foundation’s services and/or entering onto its premises, whether occurring before, during, or after the event. You further voluntarily release and waive all claims and potential claims against etix, Copernicus Foundation and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, sponsors, successors and assigns and their respective officers, employees, contractors, consultants and agents, Event Organizers, the Venue, the Presenter, the Event, the Event Producers, and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, sponsors, successors and assigns and their respective officers, employees, contractors, consultants and agents, in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID or another communicable disease or illness, bacteria, virus, or pathogen related to your attendance at the event and/or utilization of Copernicus Foundation’s services and premises. We reserve the right to unilaterally make changes to health protocols according to updated public health guidance and law. By continuing, you agree to these terms.”

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