
Copernicus Center HappeningsContentment under the STARS

Covid Vaccine Clinic 2-19

Covid Vaccine Clinic 2-19-2022

► DATE:  Saturday, February 19, 2022  •  TIME:  9:00 am to 2:00 pm


The next Covid Vaccine Clinic will take place in Jefferson Park. Get your Covid vaccine or booster shot at the Copernicus Center on Saturday, February 19th from 9:00am to 2:00pm in the Annex.

First and second doses of Covid vaccines will be available for adults and children five years and older. Booster vaccines will also be available for adults and children 12 years and older. All vaccines are free and no insurance is required.

Click here to register: https://events.juvare.com/…/dd23cb43-9cbd-443b-a547…/ 

If you or your child are getting your first or second dose, you will receive a $50 Visa Gift Card.

For more information on this, as well as other vaccine events taking place in the coming days, please contact us by calling 773-647-1174 or emailing us at info@replapointe.com

This Covid Vaccine Clinic 2-19-2022 is brought to you by a partnership of:  Senator Robert MartwickState Representative Lindsey LaPointe, Metropolitan Family Services,  Access to Care, Aetna, and the Polish American Chamber of Commerce.

Venue Space has been donated/underwritten by:  Copernicus Foundation

Polish and Spanish translations below:  (click for larger view)  En español ▼  Po polsku ▼

Covid Vaccine Clinic 02-19-2022

Copernicus Center Event Patrons:
“An inherent risk of exposure to COVID exists in any place where people gather. COVID is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. You assume all risks, hazards, and dangers arising from or relating in any way to the risk of contracting COVID or any other communicable disease or illness, or a virus, bacteria, or other pathogen capable of causing a communicable disease or illness, while attending the event or otherwise utilizing Copernicus Foundation’s services and/or entering onto its premises, whether occurring before, during, or after the event. You further voluntarily release and waive all claims and potential claims against etix, Copernicus Foundation and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, sponsors, successors and assigns and their respective officers, employees, contractors, consultants and agents, Event Organizers, the Venue, the Presenter, the Event, the Event Producers, and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, sponsors, successors and assigns and their respective officers, employees, contractors, consultants and agents, in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID or another communicable disease or illness, bacteria, virus, or pathogen related to your attendance at the event and/or utilization of Copernicus Foundation’s services and premises. We reserve the right to unilaterally make changes to health protocols according to updated public health guidance and law. By continuing, you agree to these terms.”

Public Service Announcement  PAA, Polish American Association, Career help by the PAA
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