Festivals – Annual Events
January Medical Benefit – WOSP
- Annual Fundraising event for children (and seniors) with medical needs. Wielka Orkiestra Swiatecznej Pomocy – WOSP
- Typically at the beginning of January
- 2019 entertainment, information, and results can be found HERE.
- To Volunteer, please contact us at Events@CopernicusCenter.org
May – CONCERT – to Celebrate Polish Constitution Day
- Annually on Polish Constitution Day (weekend before or following May 3rd): Formerly a small festival
- Typically celebrated with a very special concert by a popular band hired from Poland [ i.e. T-Love, Bracia, Krzysztofa CugowskiegoIch of Budka Suflera].
September – LABOR DAY Weekend – Taste of Polonia Festival
- 4 Days of Music, Great Food, Cultural attractions, and Fun
- Our largest fest features four stages, over 35 bands of mixed music genres (rock, 80s, pop, jazz, polka), children’s activities, many food options, a casino, Polish beer, dance performances, orchestra concerts, historic displays, and much more.
- Upcoming Taste of Polonia Festival: Friday, September 4 thru Monday, September 7, 2020
- For planning information as it grows, Sponsorship & Vendor information: CLICK HERE
- Taste of Polonia Festival MAIN Website – ToPChicago.org #TOPchicago ~ #TasteOfPolonia
December – The Magic of Christmas – MAGICZNE ŚWIĘTA
- An annual festival celebrating Polish Christmas traditions.
- Folk Music & Dancing by many cultural performing arts groups.
- Christmas Market with many vendors & treats
- See 2019 event information at this link
Magic of Christmas – Magiczne Swieta (in Polish)
Introduce your children to the old Polish Traditions of Christmas through song and dance. The Magic of Christmas festival is an annual event sponsored by the Copernicus Foundation to celebrate the Polish traditions of Christmas. The show includes modern and traditional music, theater and dance with over 100 performers, among them young actors, dancers and musicians from the theater workshops of Agata Paleczny’s “Little Stars,” song and dance ensemble “Polonia” and the Padarewski Symphony Orchestra and other Polish Dance and Theatrical groups!
The festivities are full of joy and emotion depicting the story of the first star, vigils and breaking of the polish wafer and the Nativity crèche among others. The festival also has a vibrant Christmas bazaar with treats for your holiday table, gifts, games and decorations. Delicious Polish foods and drinks such as mulled wine are served as well.
Enjoy the wonderful sights, sounds and smells of a traditional Polish holiday. Children and their families will enjoy meeting and taking pictures with old St Nicholas in his traditional Polish garb. Come and join us this year for a truly magical Christmas celebration!
All of the proceeds from this event are donated by the Copernicus Foundation to the performing artists to keep art and our Polish heritage alive among Chicago’s youth.